Council Members
A Council member usually serves 5 years, with the last year being in the role of Council Chair. The primary responsibility of the Council members is to assist the Council Chair in identifying issues and accomplishing goals as determined by the Fall and Spring Council meetings or as determined by correspondence between meetings.
Council Member responsibilities include:
- Assisting the Council Chair and Executive Vice President in developing and responding to issues or initiatives that relate to the mission of the Society or would enhance the Society for the benefit of the members, for the profession, or for the public.
- Attending, contributing, and responding during all AOS Council meetings and to any correspondence between the meetings, facilitating the completion of the meeting agenda and any resolutions.
- Accepting assignments by the AOS Council or Officers.
- Assisting the Council Chair, Executive Vice President, President, Committee on Programs Chair, and the staff in organizing and executing an Annual Meeting of high scientific and social quality.
- Participating in the writing of the AOS Newsletter and other publications, as requested.
- Developing the Knapp Symposium in his/her 4th year of service for the year he/she serves as Council Chair. Coordinate activities with the corresponding person on the Committee on Programs.
- Acting as a member of the Council:
- participate in the selection of future committee members, Council members, and Officers.
- consider the qualifications of all candidates proposed for membership in the Society, their scientific attainments, and the reports of the Committee on Membership.
- consider the report of the Committee on Theses and accept for membership the candidates with accepted theses or those with minor revisions about to be revised within a month.
- fill any vacancy that may occur in any office or Committee position of the Society between one Annual Meeting and the next.
- exercise due diligence in reviewing and approving the budget and financial reports of the AOS.
Revised 06.04.09
Upload to website 08.31.09