
The President is elected by the membership and serves in this capacity for 1 year.

President responsibilities include:

  • Presiding at all scientific, business and social meetings of the Society, including wearing the President’s Medal, and acting ex officio as a member of the Council.
  • Attending, contributing, and responding during all AOS Council meetings and to any correspondence between the meetings.
  • Serving on the Nominating Committee of the Society and gathering the names of individuals that volunteer or are nominated by members of the Society, the Council or Officers to serve on AOS committees. Presenting the recommendations for each open position for consideration by the Council during the autumn meeting, finalizing the nominations after the Autumn meeting, and presenting the final recommendations to the Council at the Spring meeting. The selection of each person is made by the Council. These positions include: Committee on Membership, Committee on New Members, Committee on Prizes, Committee on Programs, Committee on Publications, and Committee on Theses.
  • Assigning and assuring that each AOS member that dies has an appropriate obituary and picture for the Transactions. Guidelines for the obituary are available from the Editor and from the Executive Vice President. The primary author of the obituary should be a current AOS member.
  • Hosting and addressing the AOS members and guests during the President’s Banquet at the AOS Meeting.
  • Assisting the Executive Vice President, Council Chair, Committee on Programs Chair, and the staff in providing a quality scientific and social Annual Meeting.
  • Attending the New Member Luncheon, New Member Reception, Spotlight Session, and Emeritus Luncheon during the Annual Meeting, as available.
  • Responding to queries from members, non-members or outside sources concerning AOS activities or positions. Coordinating responses with the Executive Vice President and Council
  • Chair.
  • Contributing articles for the AOS Newsletter publications as requested.
  • Acting as a member of the Council:
    • participate in the selection of future committee members, Council members, and Officers.
    • consider the qualifications of all candidates proposed for membership in the Society, their scientific attainments, and the reports of the Committee on Membership.
    • consider the report of the Committee on Theses and accept for membership the candidates with accepted theses or those with minor revisions that can be revised within a month.
    • fill any vacancy that may occur in any office or Committee position of the Society between one Annual Meeting and the next.
    • exercise due diligence in reviewing and approving the budget and financial reports of the AOS.

Revised 06.04.09

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