2022 - Volume CXX (v.120)


The American Ophthalmological Society 2022

Theses - Published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology (since 2021):

Optimized Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Ectasia Detection using Scheimpflug-based Corneal Tomography and Biomechanical Data

Renato Ambrósio Jr, Aydano P. Machado, Edileuza Leão, João Marcelo G. Lyra, Marcella Q. Salomão, Louise G. Pellegrino Esporcatte, João B. R. da Fonseca Filho, Erica Ferreira-Meneses, Nelson B. Sena Jr, Jorge S. Haddad, Alexandre Costa Neto, Gildasio Castelo de Almeida Jr, Cynthia J. Roberts, Ahmed Elsheikh, Riccardo Vinciguerra, Paolo Vinciguerra, Jens Bühren, Thomas Kohnen, Guy M. Kezirian, Farhad Hafezi, Nikki L. Hafezi, Emilio A Torres-Netto, Nanji Lu, David Sung Yong Kang, Omid Kermani, Shizuka Koh, Prema Padmanabhan, Suphi Taneri, William Trattler, Luca Gualdi, José Salgado-Borges, Fernando Faria-Correia, Elias Flockerzi, Berthold Seitz, Vishal Jhanji, Tommy C.Y. Chan, Pedro Manuel Baptista, Dan Z. Reinstein, Timothy J. Archer, Karolinne M. Rocha, George O. Waring IV, Ronald R. Krueger, William J. Dupps, Ramin Khoramnia, Hassan Hashemi, Soheila Asgari, Hamed Momeni-Moghaddam, Siamak Zarei-Ghanavati, Rohit Shetty, Pooja Khamar, Michael W. Belin, Bernardo Lopes, The International Corneal and Ocular and Biomechanics Study Group

Changes in Corneal Power up to 2 Years after Endothelial Keratoplasty: Results from the Randomized Controlled Descemet Endothelial Thickness Comparison Trial

Winston Chamberlain, Elizabeth Shen, Samuel Werner, Charles Lin, Jennifer Rose-Nussbaumer

LGBTQ+ Identity and Ophthalmologist Burnout

Ta C. Chang, Rafael A. Calderon Candelario, Audina M. Berrocal, César A. Briceño, Jenny Chen, Nir Shoham-Hazon, Efraim Berco, David Solá-Del Valle, Elizabeth A. Vanner

Cross-sectional Study of Cone Function in Age-related Macular Degeneration Subjects with Non-foveal Nascent Geographic Atrophy

Karl G. Csaky

Computational Modeling of Ophthalmic Procedures

William J. Foster, Brian W. Berg, Steven N. Luminais, Amir Hadayer, Shlomit Schaal

Corrigendum to Phase 1b Randomized Controlled Study of Short Course Topical Recombinant Human Nerve Growth Factor (rhNGF) for Neuroenhancement in Glaucoma: Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy Measure Outcomes

Jeffrey L. Goldberg, Gala Beykin, Laurel Stell, Muhammad Sohail Halim, Mariana Nuñez, Lilia Popova, Bac T. Nguyen, Sylvia L. Groth, Amy Dennis, Zhongqiu Li, Melissa Atkins, Tom Khavari, Sophia Y. Wang, Robert Chang, Ann C. Fisher, Yasir J. Sepah

Construct Validity of Inherited Retinal Disease-specific Patient-reported Outcome Measures

K. Thiran Jayasundera, Rebhi O. Abuzaitoun, Lilia Popova, Maria Fernanda Abalem, Chris A. Andrews, Gabrielle D. Lacy, David M. Fresco, David C. Musch

Cultivated Autologous Limbal Epithelial Cell Transplantation: New Frontier in the Treatment of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency

Ula Jurkunas, Lynette Johns, Myriam Armant

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: A Route of Ocular Graft-Versus-Host Disease Progression that Drives a Vicious Cycle of Ocular Surface Inflammatory Disease

Victor L. Perez, Hazem M. Mousa, Matias Soifer, Cole Beatty, Stefanie Sarantopoulos, Daniel R. Saban, Robert B. Levy

Intravitreal Administration of Stanniocalcin-1 Rescues Photoreceptor Degeneration with Reduced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in a Porcine Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa

Robert H. Rosa Jr., Wankun Xie, Min Zhao, Shu-Huai Tsai, Gavin W. Roddy, Maxwell G. Su, Luke B. Potts, Travis W. Hein, Lih Kuo

Gas Tamponade for the Prevention of Postoperative Vitreous Hemorrhaging after Diabetic Vitrectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Ryan B. Rush, Javier Castillo Velazquez, Celeste Reyes Rosales, Sloan W. Rush

Month 60 Outcomes after Treatment Initiation with Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy for Macular Edema Due to Central Retinal or Hemiretinal Vein Occlusion

Ingrid U. Scott, Paul C. VanVeldhuisen, Neal L. Oden, Michael S. Ip, Barbara A. Blodi on behalf of the SCORE2 Investigator Group

Relationship between the American Board of Ophthalmology Maintenance of Certification Program and Actions Against the Medical License

Bhavna P. Sheth, Sarah D. Schnabel, Beth Ann Comber, Brian Martin, Meghan McGowan, George B. Bartley

Small Choroidal Melanoma: Outcomes after Surveillance versus Immediate Treatment

Arun D. Singh, Vishal Raval, Jacquelyn Wrenn, Emily C. Zabor

An IRIS Registry-based Assessment of Primary Open-angle Glaucoma Practice Patterns in Academic versus Nonacademic Settings

Gregory L. Skuta, Kai Ding, Flora Lum, Anne L. Coleman

Deviations from Age-adjusted Normative Biometry Measures in Children Undergoing Cataract Surgery: Implications for Postoperative Target Refraction and IOL Power Selection

Deborah K. VanderVeen, Isdin Oke, Bharti R. Nihalani