2021 - Volume CXIX (v.119)


The American Ophthalmological Society 2021

Theses - Published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology (since 2020):

Retinopathy of Prematurity: Advances in the Screening and Treatment of Retinopathy and Prematurity Using a Single Center Approach

Audina M. Berrocal, Kenneth Fan, Hasenin Al-Khersan, Catherin Negron, Timothy Murray

Factors Influencing Career Decisions and Satisfaction Among Newly Practicing Ophthalmologists

Steven J. Gedde, William Feuer, Ashley Crane, Wei Shi

Remission of Non-Infectious Anterior Scleritis: Incidence and Predictive Factors

John H. Kempen, Maxwell Pistilli, Hosne Begum, Tonetta Fitzgerald, Teresa Liesegang, Abhishek Payal, Nazlee Zebardast, Nirali Bhatt, C. Stephen Foster, Douglas Jabs, Grace Levy-Clarke, Robert Nussenblatt, James Rosenbaum, H. Nida Sen, Eric Suhler, Jennifer Thorne

The First Cataract Surgeons in the British Isles

Christopher T. Leffler, Stephen Schwartz, Eric Peterson, Natario Couser, Abdul-Rahman Salman

Environmental Features Contributing to Falls in Persons With Vision Impairment: The Role of Home Lighting and Home Hazards

Pradeep Y. Ramulu, Aleksandra Mihailovic, Jian-Yu E, Sheila West, Laura Gitlin, David Friedman

Assessing Photoreceptor Status in Retinal Dystrophies: From High-Resolution Imaging to Functional Vision

José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, Chloé Pagot, Colas Authié, Saddek Mohand-Said, Michel Paques, Isabelle Audo, Karine Becker, Anne-Elisabeth Chaumet-Riffaud, Line Azoulay, Emmanuel Gutman, Thierry Léveillard, Christina Zeitz, Serge Picaud, Deniz Dalkara, Katia Marazova

Gene Set Enrichment Analyses Identify Pathways Involved in Genetic Risk for Diabetic Retinopathy

Lucia Sobrin, Gayatri Susarla, Lynn Stanwyck, John Rouhana, Ashley Li, Samuela Pollack, Robert Igo Jr, Richard Jensen, Xiaohui Li, Maggie Ng, Albert Smith, Jane Kuo, Kent Taylor, Barry Freedman, Donald Bowden, Alan Penman, Ching Chen, Jamie Craig, Sharon Adler, Emily Chew, Mary Frances Cotch, Brian Yaspan, Paul Mitchell, Jie Jin Wang, Barbara Klein, Tien Wong, Jerome Rotter, Kathyrn Burdon, Sudha Iyengar, Ayellet Segré

A Digital Microscreen for the Enhanced Appearance of Ocular Prosthetic Motility

Jeremiah P. Tao, Emily Charlson, Yinheng Zhu, Zonglin Guo, Wanli Chen, Xun Zhan, Hongjian Shi, Ian Harris

Molecular and Clinical Characterization of Human Adenovirus E4–Associated Conjunctivitis

Russell N. Van Gelder, Lakshmi Akileswaran, Kenji Nakamichi, David Stroman

Correlation of Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography of Crystalline Lens Diameter, Thickness, and Volume with Biometry and Age

George O. Waring IV, Daniel Chang, Karolinne Rocha, Larissa Gouvea, Raphael Penatti

Long-term Outcomes in Fellow Eyes Comparing DSAEK and DMEK for Treatment of Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy

Robert W. Weisenthal, Han Yin, Allison Jarstad, Dongliang Wang, David Verdier