2013 - Volume CXI (v.111)


The American Ophthalmological Society 2013


Psychometrics of a New Questionnaire to Assess Glaucoma Adherence: The Glaucoma Treatment Compliance Assessment Tool

Steven L. Mansberger, Christina R. Sheppler, Tina M. McClure, Cory L. VanAlstine, Ingrid L. Swanson, Zoey Stoumbos, William E. Lambert

Is Carotid Ultrasound Necessary in the Clinical Evaluation of the Asymptomatic Hollenhorst Plaque?

Sophie J. Bakri, Ashraf Luqman, Bhupesh Pathik, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran

Development of a New Valid, Reliable, and Internationally Applicable Assessment Tool of Residents' Competence in Ophthalmic Surgery

Karl C. Golnik, Hilary Beaver, Vinod Gauba, Andrew G. Lee, Eduardo Mayorga, Gabriela Palis, George M. Saleh

Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Corneal Power Measurement and Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Following Laser Vision Correction

David Huang, Maolong Tang, Li Wang, Xinbo Zhang, Rebecca L. Armour, Devin M. Gattey, Lorinna H. Lombardi, Douglas D. Koch

The Blue Arc Entoptic Phenomenon in Glaucoma

Louis R. Pasquale, Steven Brusie

Cost-Effectiveness of Bevacizumab and Ranibizumab for Newly Diagnosed Neovascular Macular Degeneration

Joshua D. Stein, Paula Anne Newman-Casey, Tavag Mrinalini, Paul P. Lee, David W. Hutton

Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Ophthalmology at an Academic Medical Center

Michael F. Chiang, Sarah Read-Brown, Daniel C. Tu, Dongseok Choi, David S. Sanders, Thomas S. Hwang, Steven Bailey, Daniel J. Karr, Elizabeth Cottle, John C. Morrison, David J. Wilson, Thomas R. Yackel

The Spectrum of Optic Disc Ischemia in Patients Younger Than 50 Years

Anthony C. Arnold, Roberta M. S. Costa, Oana M. Dumitrascu

Postulating a Role for Connective Tissue Elements in Inferior Oblique Overaction

David Stager Jr., Linda K. McLoon, Joost Felius

Combination Systemic and Intravitreal Antiviral Therapy in the Management of Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome

Christina J. Flaxel, Steven Yeh, Andreas K. Lauer

Sphenoid Sinus Expansion: A Radiographic Sign of Intracranial Hypotension and the Sagging Brain, Sunken Eyes Syndrome

Timothy J. McCulley

Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery: The Effect of Pupil Enlargement on Surgical Outcomes

L. Jay Katz, Camila Zangalli, Raymond Clifford, Benjamin Leiby

Stimulating Retinal Blood Vessel Protection With Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Stabilization: Identification of Novel Small-Molecule Hydrazones to Inhibit Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Prolyl Hydroxylase

Jonathan E. Sears, George Hoppe

Focal Venous Hypertension as a Pathophysiologic Mechanism for Tissue Hypertrophy, Port-Wine Stains, the Sturge-Weber Syndrome, and Related Disorders: Proof of Concept With Novel Hypothesis for Underlying Etiological Cause

Cameron F. Parsa