2003 - Volume CI (v.101)


Medical Malpractice Predictors and Risk Factors for Ophthalmologists Performing LASIK and PRK Surgery

Richard L. Abbott

Molecular Pathology of Primary Intraocular Lymphoma

Chi-Chao Chan

Corneal Wound Healing After Photorefractive Keratectomy: A 3-Year Confocal Microscopy Study

Jay C. Erie

The Risk of a New Retinal Break or Detachment Following Cataract Surgery in Eyes That Had Undergone Repair of Phakic Break or Detachment

M. Gilbert Grand

Excimer Laser Phototherapeutic Keratectomy in Eyes with Anterior Corneal Dystrophies: Preoperative and Postoperative Ultrasound Biomicroscopic Examination

Christopher J. Rapuano

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Effects of L-DOPA on Visual Function in Normal and Amblyopic Subjects

Gary L. Rogers

Light-Adjustable Lens

Daniel M. Schwartz

Finding and Interpreting Genetic Variations That Are Important to Ophthalmologists

Edwin M. Stone

The Role of Patient Age and Intraocular Gases in Cataract Progression Following Vitrectomy for Macular Holes and Epiretinal Membranes

John T. Thompson

Analysis of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Integrin Expression and Adhesion to Aged Submacular Human Bruch's Membrane

Marco A. Zarbin


Retinal Ganglion Cell Protection with Geranylgeranylacetone, a Heat Shock Protein Inducer, in a Rat Glaucoma Model

Joseph Caprioli*, Yoko Ishii, Jacky M. K. Kwong

Laser and Proton Radiation to Reduce Uveal Melanoma-Associated Exudative Retinal Detachments

Devron H. Char*, Riley Bove, Theodore L. Phillips

Unoperated Eyes with Persistent Fetal Vasculature

Nishi Gulati, Ralph C. Eagle Jr, William Tasman*

Graded Full-Thickness Anterior Blepharotomy for Upper Eyelid Retraction

Victor M. Elner*, Adam S. Hassan, Bartley R. Frueh

Human RPE Cell Apoptosis Induced by Activated Monocytes Is Mediated by Caspase-3 Activation

Susan G. Elner*, Ayako Yoshida, Zong-Mei Bian, Andrei L. Kindezelskii, Howard R. Petty, Victor M. Elner

Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Orbit: A Paradox of Aggressive Destruction Responsive to Minimal Intervention

Gerald J. Harris*, Kyung In Woo

A Myopic Shift in Australian Aboriginals: 1977-2000

Hugh R. Taylor*, T. A. Robin, V. C. Lansingh, L. M. Weih, J. E. Keeffe

Rotatory Nystagmus Synchronous with Heartbeat: A Treatable Form of Nystagmus

Brian R. Younge*, Nissim Khabie, Robert H. Brey, Colin L. W. Driscoll

Histopathologic Features of Trabeculectomy Surgery

Anthony C. Castelbuono*, W. Richard Green

The "Demise" of Diagnostic and Research Ocular Pathology: Temporary or Forever?

David J. Apple*, Liliana Werner, Nick Mamalis, Randall J. Olson

Presumed Hyposecretory/Hyperevaporative KCS: Tear Characteristics

James P. McCulley*, Ward E. Shine, Joel Aronowicz, Deniz Oral, Jose Vargas

Long-Term Study of Accommodative Esotropia

Irene H. Ludwig*, Susan P. Imberman, Hilary W. Thompson, Marshall M. Parks

A Mouse Model of Elevated Intraocular Pressure: Retina and Optic Nerve Findings

Ronald L. Gross*, Jianzhong Ji, Peter Chang, Mark E. Pennesi, Zhuo Yang, Jian Zhang, Samuel M. Wu

Retinal Emboli and Cardiovascular Disease: The Beaver Dam Eye Study

Ronald Klein*, Barbara E. K. Klein, Scot E. Moss, Stacy M. Meuer

Safety of Intravitreal Voriconazole: Electroretinographic and Histopathologic Studies

Hua Gao, Mark Pennesi, Kekul Shah, Xiaoxi Qiao, Seenu M. Hariprasad, William F. Mieler*, Samuel M. Wu, Eric R. Holz

Relationship of Measures of Frailty to Visual Function: The Beaver Dam Eye Study

Barbara E. K. Klein*, Ronald Klein, Michael D. Knudtson, Kristine E. Lee

Binocularity Following Surgical Correction of Strabismus in Adults

Marilyn B. Mets*, Cynthia Beauchamp, Betty Anne Haldi

Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Vitreoretinal and Ocular Oncologic Surgery Performed Under General Anesthesia

Colin A. McCannel*, John R. Nordlund, Douglas Bacon, Dennis M. Robertson

Iris Melanocyte Numbers in Asian, African American, and Caucasian Irides

Daniel M. Albert*, W. Richard Green, Michele L. Zimbric, Cecilia Lo, Ronald E. Gangnon, Kirsten L. Hope, Joel Gleiser

The Value of Preoperative Tests in the Selection of Blind Patients for a Permanent Microelectronic Implant

Douglas Yanai, Rohit R. Lakhanpal, James D. Weiland, Manjunatha Mahadevappa, Gretchen Van Boemel, Gildo Y. Fujii, Robert Greenberg, Sean Caffey, Eugene de Juan Jr, Mark S. Humayun*


Post LASIK Flap Striae: Management and Outcomes

David J. Schanzlin

Hard Palate Mucosal Grafts in Oculoplastic Surgery: Lessons from Atypical Cases

Noelene K. Pang, George B. Bartley, Elizabeth A. Bradley

A Mutant BBS6 Allele is a Potential Modifier of Severity in a Bardet-Biedl Family with Two Mutations in BBS1

Richard Alan Lewis, Jose L. Badano, Nicholas Katsanis

Hereditary Motors and Sensory Neuropathy Type VI with Optic Atrophy

Kent W. Small, Irene Voo, Bryan E. Allf, Nitin Udar, Rosamaria Silva-Garcia, Jeffrey Vance

The Swinging Flashlight Test: Assessment of Patients with Definite or Possible Glaucoma

George L. Spaeth, Wadih Zein, Oluwatosin Smith, Joann Fontanarosa, William Steinmann

Transgenic Mouse Models for Brain Retina Neuroembryodysgenesis

Gerhard W. Cibis, Kathleen M. Fitzgerald


* = Presenter
BOLD = AOS Member