2004 - Volume CII (v.102)


Computerized Expert System for Evaluation of Automated Visual Fields from the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial: Methods, Baseline Fields, and Six-Month Longitudinal Follow-Up

Steven E. Feldon

Intravitreal Human Immune Globulin in a Rabbit Model of Staphylococcus Aureus Toxin-Mediated Endophthalmitis: A Potential Adjunct in the Treatment of Endophthalmitis

Dennis P. Han

The Accuracy of Digital-Video Retinal Imaging to Screen for Diabetic Retinopathy: An Analysis of Two Digital-Video Retinal Imaging Systems Using Standard Stereoscopic Seven-Field Photography and Dilated Clinical Examination as Reference Standards

Mary Gilbert Lawrence

Photorefractive Keratectomy for Anisometropic Amblyopia in Children

Evelyn A. Paysse

Congenital Abnormalities of Cranial Nerve Development: Overview, Molecular Mechanisms, and Further Evidence of Heterogeneity and Complexity of Syndromes with Congenital Limitation of Eye Movements

Elias I. Traboulsi

Anterior Lens Capsule Management in Pediatric Cataract Surgery

M. Edward Wilson Jr

Dissecting the Genetics of Human High Myopia: A Molecular Biologic Approach

Terri L. Young


Chemoreduction for Retinoblastoma: Analysis of Tumor Control and Risks for Recurrence in Tumors

Carol L. Shields*, Arman Mashayekhi, Jacqueline Cater, Abdallah Shelil, Anna T. Meadows, Jerry A. Shields

The Utilization of Eye Care Services by Persons with Glaucoma in Rural South India

Alan L. Robin*, Praveen K. Nirmalan, Ramasamy Krishnadas, Rengappa Ramakrishnan, Joanne Katz, James Tielsch, Ravilla D. Thulasiraj, David S. Friedman

Corneal Endothelium and Postoperative Outcomes Years after Penetrating Keratoplasty

Sanjay V. Patel*, David O. Hodge, William M. Bourne

Light-Adjustable Lens: Development of In Vitro Nomograms

Daniel M. Schwartz*, Christian A. Sandstedt, Shiao H. Chang, Julie A. Kornfield, Robert H. Grubbs

Von Hippel-Lindau Gene Deletion and Expression of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor and Ubiquitin in Optic Nerve Hemangioma

Chi-Chao Chan*, Youn-Soo Lee, Zhengping Zhuang, Joseph Hackett, Emily Y. Chew

A Model of Spectral Filtering to Reduce Photochemical Damage in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Sanford M. Meyers*, Mikhail A. Ostrovsky, Robert F. Bonner

Vitrectomy for Epiretinal Membranes with Good Visual Acuity

John T. Thompson*

Autism with Ophthalmologic Malformations: The Plot Thickens

Marilyn T. Miller*, Kerstin Strömland, Liana Ventura, Maria Johansson, Jose M. Bandim, Christopher Gillberg

Retinal Pigment Epithelium Resurfacing of Aged Submacular Human Bruch’s Membrane

Vamsi K. Gullapalli, Ilene K. Sugino, Yancy Van Patten, Sumit Shah, Marco A. Zarbin*

Aggressive Retinal Astrocytomas in Four Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Jerry A. Shields*, Ralph C. Eagle Jr, Carol L. Shields, Brian P. Marr

Human Intraocular Penetration Pharmacokinetics of Moxifloxacin 0.5% via Topical and Collagen Shield Routes of Administration

Seenu M. Hariprasad*, William F. Mieler, Gaurav K. Shah, Kevin J. Blinder, Rajendra S. Apte, Nancy M. Holekamp, Matthew A. Thomas, Jingduan Chi, Randall A. Prince

Presumed Sinus-Related Strabismus

Irene H. Ludwig*, Joe Frank Smith

Graded Partial Tenotomy of Vertical Rectus Muscles for Treatment of Hypertropia

Hye Bin Yim, Albert W. Biglan*, Tara H. Cronin

Value-Based Medicine and Ophthalmology: An Appraisal of Cost-Utility Analyses

Gary C. Brown*, Melissa M. Brown, Sanjay Sharma, Heidi Brown, Lindsay Smithen, David B. Leeser, George Beauchamp

Comparison of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Methods in Eyes that have Undergone Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis

Li Wang, Marc A. Booth, Douglas D. Koch*

Efficacy and Efficiency of a New Involutional Ptosis Correction Procedure Compared to a Traditional Aponeurotic Approach

Bartley R. Frueh*, David C. Musch, Hector McDonald

Vascular Perfusion of Choroidal Melanoma by 1.5 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Bruce M. Buerk, Jose S. Pulido*, Ignacio Chiong, Robert Folberg, Deepak P. Edward, Mark T. Duffy, Keith R. Thulborn

Does Medical Treatment Influence the Success of Trabeculectomy?

Allan Joseph Flach*

The Parameters of Informed Consent

Edward L. Raab*

Final Results of the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ETROP) Randomized Trial

William V. Good* on behalf of the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group

Effects of Latrunculin B on Outflow Facility, Intraocular Pressure, Corneal Thickness, and Miotic and Accommodative Responses to Pilocarpine in Monkeys

Mehmet Okka, Baohe Tian, Paul L. Kaufman*


Two Prominent Ophthalmologists from Cincinnati

Taylor Asbury, James J. Augsburger

Localized Choroidal Melanocytosis: A Distinct Clinical Entity?

James J. Augsburger, Vrinda Hershberger, JoAnn Chang

New Treatment Options for Managing Endogenous Fungal Endophthalmitis Using Voriconazole and Caspofungin

M. Gilbert Grand, Seenu M. Hariprasad, William F. Mieler, Gaurav K. Shah, Sean Breit, Russell Van Gelder

The Dragged-Fovea Diplopia Syndrome

David L. Guyton, M. Elaine De Pool, Sheena O. Broome

Correlation of the Subjective and Objective Retinal Artery Pulse: Possible Home Monitoring of Ocular Perfusion

James S. Kelley

Does a 2.6 mm Incision Cause Less Surgically-Induced Astigmatism (SIA) than 3.0 to 4.0 mm Incisions?

John C. Merriam, Joanna E. Merriam, Lei Zheng

Supranormal Multifocal Electroretinograms (mfERGs) Following Acutely Elevated Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in Monkeys and in Various Human Retinal Disorders

T. Michael Nork, Charlene B. Y. Kim, Paul L. Kaufman, James N. Ver Hoeve

Poor Effectiveness of Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Predicting Depth of Pathology in Eyes with Anterior Stromal Dystrophies Undergoing Excimer Laser Phototherapeutic Keratectomy

Christopher J. Rapuano

Recurrent Nanoliter Push-Pull Perfusion Sampling of the Rat Vitreoretinal Interface

Scott A. Shippy, Jose S. Pulido, Sumith Kottegoda


* = Presenter
BOLD = AOS Member