2005 - Volume CIII (v.103)


The American Ophthalmological Society 2005


Minutes Of The Proceedings


The Ethical Education of Ophthalmology Residents: An Experiment

Samuel Packer

Unsupervised Learning with Independent Component Analysis Can Identify Patterns of Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects

Michael H. Goldbaum

Retinopathy of Prematurity: Involution, Factors Predisposing to Retinal Detachment, and Expected Utility of Pre-Emptive Surgical Reintervention

David K. Coats

The Relationship Between Anisometropia, Patient Age, and the Development of Amblyopia

Sean P. Donahue

Clinical and Microdissection Genotyping Analyses of the Effect of Intra-Arterial Cytoreductive Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Lacrimal Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

David T. Tse

Quality of Life in Patients with Graves Ophthalmopathy

R. Patrick Yeatts

Optics of Conductive Keratoplasty: Implications for Presbyopia Management

Peter S. Hersh

Structural Organization of Choroidal Colobomas of Young and Adult Patients and Mechanism of Retinal Detachment

Hermann D. Schubert

Molecular Biology of Pharmacologic Vitreolysis

Jerry Sebag

Ocular Manifestations of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Clinical and Genetic Investigations

Emily Y. Chew

Conductive Keratoplasty: A Radiofrequency-Based Technique for the Correction of Hyperopia

Marguerite B. McDonald

Perifoveal Vitreous Detachment and its Macular Complications

Mark W. Johnson

A Comparison of Implant Extrusion Rates and Postoperative Pain After Evisceration with Immediate or Delayed Implants and After Enucleation with Implants

Don Liu

Ischemic Model of Optic Nerve Injury

George A. Cioffi


A Prospective Study of Alternating Occlusion Prior to Surgical Alignment for Infantile Esotropia: One-Year Post Operative Motor Results

Malcolm R. Ing*, Anthony Marcia, David R. Stager Sr., Bradley Black, Robert Hoffman, Malcolm Mazow, Sebastian Troia, William Scott, Scott Lambert

Analysis of Hemicentin-1, hgOg1, E-Selectin Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Christine M. Bojanowski, Jingsheng Tuo, Emily Y. Chew, Karl G. Csaky, Chi-Chao Chan*

Glaucoma Following Cataract Surgery in Children: Surgically Modifiable Risk Factors

Mary G. Lawrence*, Natalia Kramarevsky, Stephen P. Christiansen, Martha M. Wright, Terri L. Young, C. Gail Summers

Long-Term Corneal Keratocyte Deficits After Photoreactive Keratectomy and Laser In Situ Keratomileusis

Jay C. Erie*, Jay W. McLaren, David O. Hodge, William M. Bourne

Local Corticosteroid Treatment of Eyelid and Orbital Xanthogranuloma

Victor M. Elner*, Roni Mintz, Hakan Demirci, Adam S. Hassan

Intravitreal Clearance of Moxifloxacin

Mohan N. Iyer, Feng He, Theodore G. Wensel, William F. Mieler*, Matthew S. Benz, Eric R. Holz

The Role of Choroidal and Retinal Biopsies in the Diagnosis and Management of Atypical Presentations of Uveitis

Lyndell L. Lim, Eric B. Suhler, James T. Rosenbaum, David J. Wilson*

Polychromasia Capsulare (Multicolored Capsule) - Report of Three Families

Elias I. Traboulsi*, Daniel Chung, John M. Koors

Vitrectomy for the Treatment of Submacular Hemorrhages from Macular Degeneration

John T. Thompson*, Raymond N. Sjaarda

Pterygium Surgery with Mitomycin and Tarsorrhaphy

Thomas O. Wood*, Ellen E. Williams, Danielle L. Hamilton, Bryan L. Williams

Dynamic Atypical Optic Nerve Coloboma Associated with Transient Macular Detachment

Stephen L. Perkins, Dennis P. Han*, John R. Gonder, George Colev, Paul E. Beaumont

TLR4 Mediates Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Endotoxin Binding and Cytokine Expression

Susan G. Elner*, Howard R. Petty, Victor M. Elner, Ayako Yoshida, Zong-Mei Bian, Dongli Yang, Andrei L. Kindezelskii

The Ethics and Politics of Stem Cell Research

James C. Bobrow*

Unnecessary Clinical Tests in Ophthalmology

James J. Augsburger*

Interactions Between Endothelia of the Trabecular Meshwork and of Schlemm's Canal

Jorge A. Alvarado*, Ru-Fang Yeh, Linda Franse-Carman, George Marcellino, Michael J. Brownstein

The Utility of Strabismus in Adults

George R. Beauchamp*, Joost Felius, David R. Stager Sr., Cynthia L. Beauchamp

The Burden of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Value-Based Medicine Analysis

Gary C. Brown*, Melissa M. Brown, Sanjay Sharma, Joshua D. Stein, Zachary Roth, Joseph Campanella, George R. Beauchamp

P63 Expression Levels in Side Population and Low Light Scattering Ocular Surface Epithelial Cells

Seth P. Epstein, J. Mario Wolosin, Penny A. Asbell*

The Usefulness of a New Method of Testing for a Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect in Patients with Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma

Dara Lankaranian, Undraa Altangerel, George L. Spaeth*, Jacqueline A. Leavitt, William C. Steinmann

Effect of Death-to-Preservation Time on Donor Corneal Epithelium

Woodford S. Van Meter*, Douglas G. Katz, Harrison White, Robert Gayheart

Retinopathy of Prematurity: Late Complications in the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964)

Bradley T. Smith, William S. Tasman*


The American Ophthalmological Society Thesis: A 50-Year Survey

Kirk R. Wilhelmus*

Tear Substitutes: New Challenges to Protect the Ocular Surface

Penny A. Asbell*

Post-LASIK Referrals to a Cornea Service: Who is Unhappy and Why?

Christopher J. Rapuano*, Juliana F. Freitas, Fernando T. Komatsu, Anna Park, Kristin M. Hammersmith, Peter R. Laibson, Elisabeth J. Cohen

Nomogram Changes Following Light Touch CK

Penny A. Asbell*

Predicted Impact of Two Combination Glaucoma Medications on Visual Field Deficit Progression and Costs Among Glaucoma Subjects

Jordana K. Schmier, Michael T. Halpern, Alan L. Robin*, Dave Covert

Amiodarone Optic Neuropathy: Cause and Effect Not Proven

Brian R. Younge*


* = Presenter
BOLD = AOS Member