The American Ophthalmological Society
The First 100 Years

Maynard C. Wheeler


There was a suggestion, during the early discussions about this centennial volume, that we should call it "One Hundred Years of Progress in Ophthalmology." It was realized immediately that this could not be done without the danger of implying that AOS claimed the credit for this progress. Obviously no society can make such a claim, no matter how venerable or distinguished. Today, few medical papers are epoch-making; instead, progress is recorded very gradually, the summation of many small contributions... [Download the Entire Document]

The American Ophthalmological Society

A Continuation of Wheeler's First 100 Years

Frank W. Newell


Maynard Wheeler presided at the centenary meeting of the Society in 1964.  At the conclusion of the executive session he distributed autographed copies of "The American Ophthalmological Society, The First Hundred Years" to those at the meeting.  The book, published by the University of Toronto Press, related the history of the Society from its founding to 1964.  [Download the Entire Document]

The Sesquicentennial of the American Ophtalmological Society

Our Mission Continues

Daniel M. Albert, MD, MS and Sarah L. Atzen, MA


First 125 Years

What's Past is Prologue:

The American Ophthalmological Society (also, in this book, referred to as the AOS or the Society) played a critical role in the development of American ophthalmology; however, before we expand upon the Society’s role and put it into perspective, we must first look briefly at how ophthalmology came to exist in America and Europe... [Download the Entire Document]