
Herman Knapp Symposia


2024 - Technology's Impact on Ophthalmology: The Future is Now

Introduction Jennifer I. Lim, MD
Robotic Surgery Jean-Pierre Hubschman, MD
AI Diagnostics Aaron Y. Lee, MD
Innovative Therapeutics and Cell-Based Therapy Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD
New Technology in the Treatment of Amblyopia and Strabismus Donny W. Suh, MD, FAAP, MBA, FACS
New Technology in Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery Tamara R. Fountain, MD
Current State of Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology Elias I. Traboulsi, MD, MEd


2023 - Enhancing and Prolonging Drug Delivery to the Eye

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Sean P. Donahue, MD, PhD
Enhancing Topical Drug Delivery through Biomaterials Justin Hanes, PhD
Suprachoroidal Cannulation and Micro-needle Delivery Timothy W. Olsen, MD
Gene Therapy Delivery for Age-related Macular Degeneration Jacque L. Duncan, MD
Port Delivery System and Other Intraocular Storage Devices Baruch D. Kuppermann, MD, PhD
Polymeric Nanoparticles, Microparticles, Hydrogels, and Nanopore Films Jennifer Kang-Mieler, PhD
Intra-arterial Drug Delivery for Ocular Cancers Jasmine Francis, MD


2022 - The New Normal of Genetics in Ophthalmology

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Peter A. Netland, MD
Gene Therapy Edwin M. Stone, MD, PhD
Gene-Based Approaches to AMD Bradley D. Gelfand, PhD
Gene-Directed Therapy John H. Fingert, MD, PhD FARVO
Genetics in Glaucoma Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD
Epigenetic Therapy Cheryl Y. Gregory-Evans, PhD
Gene-Based Prognosis and Beyond in Ocular Oncology J. William Harbour, MD


2021 - COVID-19 - What We Thought We Knew, What We Learned, and Future Strategies

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Jayne S. Weiss, MD
Global Clinical Ophthalmology and COVID-19 - What We Can Learn from Australia and New Zealand Hugh R. Taylor, AC, MD, FRAC
Managing an Ophthalmology Department/Practice During a Pandemic Stephen D. McLeod, MD
The Post COVID Virtual World - Telemedicine, CME, and Certification Michael F. Chiang, MD
Eye Findings in COVID-19 Anat Galor, MD, MSPH


2020 - Opsin Ecology: The Evolution, Function and Diseases of Visual and Non-visual Pigments

3671Recording Link - available summer 2020  
Introduction Ivan Schwab, MD
Opsins Make Sense Alfred Wallace
Opsins in the Metazoan World Tom Cronin, PhD
Human Opsins in the Eye Jay Neitz, PhD
Clinical Disease and Treatment Alfredo Sadun, MD, PhD


2019 - Ocular Inflammation: Putting Out Fire

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Preston Blomquist, MD
Advanced Ocular Imaging in the Management of Uveitis Quan Dong Nguyen, MD, MSc
Evidence-based Treatment for Noninfectious Uveitis Douglas Jabs, MD, MBA
New Directions for Treatment of Ocular Inflammation Janet Davis, MD
The Gut Microbiome and its Relation to Ocular Inflammation Jerry Niederkorn, PhD


2018 - Wound Healing and the Cornea

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Eduardo Alfonso, MD
The Regenerated Cornea May Griffith, PhD
Corneal Nerve Regeneration Mark Rosenblatt, MD, PhD, MBA
Conjunctival Repair (Pterygium) Lawrence Hirst, DO, MPH, MD, DSc, FRANZCO, FRACS
Epithelial Repair (Limbal Transplant) Edward Holland, MD
Stromal Remodeling (Cross-Linking) Peter Hersh, MD
Endothelial Cell Repair Shigeru Kinoshita, MD


2017 - Optic Nerve Regeneration and Reconnection: Current Status, Challenges and Audacious Future Goals

3671Recording Link  
Introduction David T. Tse, MD
RGC Types Differ in Function and in Vulnerability to Disease Joshua R. Sanes, PhD
Progress and Challenges in RGC Protection Harry Quigley, MD
Challenges in Axon Pathfinding and Target Recognition Kevin K. Park, PhD
Progress and Challenges in Axon Regeneration Zhigang He, PhD


2016 - Innovative Paradigm Shifts in Ophthalmology

3671Recording Link  
Introduction J. Sebag, MD
Phenotype vs. Genotype: What Inherited Diseases Foretell About Tomorrow's Definition of Disease Eric Pierce, MD, PhD
Beyond Visual Acuity: New Paradigms of Measuring Vision Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD
From Space to Earth: Nanoimaging for Earlier Detection of Eye Disease Rafat R. Ansari, PhD
The Evolution of Therapeutics in Ophthalmology Jean-Marie A. Parel, Ing ETS-D, PhD


2015 - Innovations in Medical Education

3671Recording Link  
Introduction J. Sebag, MD
What Happened to my Medical School? Edward G. Buckley, MD
Creating Future Leaders Darrell G. Kirch, MD
Transforming Resident Education Benjamin A. Alman, MD
Health Care Social Media and Digital Identity for Ophthalmology: Opportunity, Risk and Reward Farris K. Timimi, MD
Educating the World’s Ophthalmologists Bruce E. Spivey, MD


2014 - Ocular Gene Therapy

3671Recording Link  
Introduction of Verhoeff Lecture David Wilson, MD
The Rocky Road to Successful Human Gene Therapy (Verhoeff Lecture) J. Timothy Stout, MD
Introduction of AOS-Knapp Symposium Edward Buckley, MD
Introduction of Genetic Eye Disease Edwin Stone, MD, PhD
Gene Replacement Therapy Albert Maguire, MD
Pharmacologic Delivery with Gene Therapy Peter Campochiaro, MD
Gene Therapy vs. Stem Cell Therapy Marco Zarbin, MD, PhD
Risks of Gene Therapy Paul Sieving, MD, PhD
Ethical Considerations in Gene Therapy Alex Levin, MD, MHSc


2013 - Challenges of Ophthalmic Care in the Developing World

3671Recording Link  
Introduction Stephen D. McLeod, MD
Preventing Blindness & Child Mortality with Vitamin A: an AOS Odyssey (Verhoeff Lecture) Alfred Sommer, MD
Overview of Major Challenges & the Vision 20/20 Initiative Hugh R. Taylor, AC, MD, FRACS
Trachoma Prevention & Treatment Sheila West, PhD, PharmD
Corneal Blindness & Infectious Keratitis Thomas M. Lietman, MD
CMV Retinitis Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH
A Systems Approach to Cataract Blindness Ravilla D. Thulasiraj, BSc, MBA
Retinopathy of Prematurity in the Developing World Michael Chiang, MD


2012 - Nanotechnology in Ophthalmology

Introduction Mark W. Johnson, MD
Brief Overview of Nanomedicine
Nanosurgery & Molecules as Machines
Marco A. Zarbin, MD, PhD
Delivery of Drugs, Peptides, and Genes Uday Kompella, PhD
Imaging and Diagnostics Edward M. Barnett, MD, PhD
Regenerative Medicine and Prosthetics James F. Leary, PhD
Biosensing/Health Maintenance Raymond Iezzi, MD
Molecular Engineering John G. Flannery, PhD


2011 - The Ophthalmologist of the Future

Introduction Ronald L. Gross, MD
Health Policy William L. Rich, III, MD
Patient Care Guidelines Paul P. Lee, MD, JD
Electronic Medical Records Joel S. Schuman, MD
Ophthalmic Associations Ruth D. Williams, MD
Generational Issues Ann Brown, MD, MHS
Communications Andrew P. Doan, MD, PhD


2010 - Managing Presbyopia: How Far Have We Come?

Introduction Steven E. Feldon MD
Physiology of Accommodation and Pathogenesis of Presbyopia (Verhoeff Lecture) Adrian Glasser PhD
Optics of Current Technology: Accommodation or Pseudoaccommodation? Geunyoung Yoon PhD
Pseudophakic Approaches to Correcting Presbyopia Roger F. Steinert MD
Corneal Approaches to Correcting Presbyopia Richard L. Lindstrom MD
What Lies Ahead? Douglas D. Koch MD


2009 - Advanced Imaging in Ophthalmology

Introduction Marco A. Zarbin MD PhD
Adaptive Optics Edward N. Pugh Jr. PhD
Jacque L. Duncan MD
Motion-Sensitive OCT Daniel M. Schwartz MD
Spectral Domain OCT Carmen A. Puliafito MD MBA
Glaucoma Imaging Robert N. Weinreb MD
Neuroimaging Andrew G. Lee MD


2008 - Ethics of Industry-Ophthalmologist Relationships

Introductory Comments, Misbehaviors: Observations of a Long Term Department Chair Lee Jampol MD
What is the Current Status of Individual and Institutional Conflict of Interest? Michael Camilleri MD
How Should Academic Institutions Behave with Regard to Industry? Jordan Cohen MD
How Should Individual Faculty Respond to Industry Relationships? Susan Day MD
How Should Practicing Ophthalmologists Respond to Industry Largesse? Richard Mills MD MPH
How can Professional Organizations Justify Receiving Corporate Funding for Organizational Activities? Jerome Kassirer MD
Ethical Alignment? Physicians and Their Professional Organizations Samuel Packer MD


2007 - Angiogenesis: From Concept to Clinic

Introductory Comments Jayakrishna Ambati MD and Richard P. Mills MD
Ocular Antiangiogenesis: Past, Present, and Future Anthony Adamis MD
Unlocking the Mystery of Corneal Avascularity Balamurali Ambati MD
Angiogenesis and Diabetic Retinopathy in 2007 Neil M. Bressler MD
Medical Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity: Bench to Bedside Lois E. H. Smith MD PhD
Inflammation and Angiogenesis in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Jayakrishna Ambati MD


2006 - Wavefront Technology and the Quest for Super Vision

Wavefront Basics: Measuring and Quantifying Raymond Applegate OD PhD
Corneal Optics and Biomechanics Cynthia Roberts PhD
The Complex Role of the Crystalline Lens Adrian Glasser PhD
Clinical Realities Scott M McRae MD


2005 - Tissue Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine

Tissue Engineering - Basic Concepts Don Feng Chen PhD
Biocompatibility: Old and New Paradigms Buddy D. Ratner PhD
Tubes, Scaffolds and Guided Regeneration Molly Schoichet PhD
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Lou Gehrig Disease Michael J. Young PhD


2004 - Targeted Drug Delivery in Ophthalmology

New Ways to Achieve Therapeutic Drug Levels in the Vitreous and Retina Henry F. Edelhauser PhD
Transscleral Drug Delivery to the Retina and Choroid Anthony P. Adamis MD
Principles of Posterior Segment Drug Delivery: Fluocinolone Acetonide Sustained Drug Delivery System to Treat Retinal Vascular Disease Glenn J. Jaffe MD
Variables in Transscleral Drug Delivery Timothy Olsen MD
Cytoskeletal, Cell Adhesion, and Cell Contractility in the Trabecular Meshwork as Targets for Glaucoma Therapy Paul L. Kaufman MD


2003 - Ocular Genetics

How Molecular Genetics is Lifting the Fog: The Etiology of Retinitis Pigmentosa (Verhoeff Lecture) Thaddeus P. Dryja MD
Current Research in Retinoblastoma Joan O’Brien MD
Glaucoma Genetics Janey L. Wiggs MD PhD
Genetics of Macular Degeneration Edwin Stone MD PhD


2002 - Stem Cells: What Are They and How Might They Be Used for Ocular Disease Treatment?

How Many Photoreceptors Do We Need for Vision? (Verhoeff Lecture) Paul A. Sieving MD PhD
Introduction to Epithelial Stem Cells: The Eye Shows the Way Robert Lavker PhD
Clinical Aspects of Ocular Surface Stem Cell Transplantation Edward Holland MD
Retinal Stem Cells? Current Status and Future Possibilities Pamela Raymond PhD